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Recent paintings and sculptures are to be found on my Instagram account DanielCouet_Studio
Oil painting "no more masks" 120x90

Oil painting "fragmented" 80cx60cm

oil painting "impulsion" 55x46cm

Oil painting " levitation" 61x50cm

oil painting "time traveller" 73x54cm

oil painting "tussen hemel en aarde"

Dual embrasse, acryl and pastel on paper
65x50cm 300gm

Etoffes mixedmedia op canvas 80x90cm
Happy dreamer , cutout 75x83cm oil on canvas

Brainwaves 65x50cm acryl on 300gm paper

The Dreaming mind 65x50cm acryl on paper

Hersenspam acryl and pastel on 300gm paper

Half angel half beast acryl and pastel on paper
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